Saturday, January 18, 2014

Have Your Fun, Have It All

We're standing around the bar at Brick & Mortar and I'm sipping bourbon and this sweeeeeeeeet song comes on the speakers. I'm trying to Shazam it, but it's too loud. And I'm all "Guys! What is this song?" But no one knows. A new friend says, "It sounds like Lorde?" and I think yeah it sounds like Lorde.

It's Lorde. It's super melodic. It's super Lorde. It's super nod your head along and maybe sway your shoulders too.

How often do I hear a song or a fragment of a song and think oh yeah I dig it? Oh yeah that's resonant? Oh yeah I'm inspired?

All the time.

So what am I inspired about? These truths, my truths: I feel powerful when I run. I feel elated when I write. I feel creative when I take photos. I feel centered when I do yoga. I feel free when I travel. I feel supercharged when I talk about goals and visions.

This isn't a blog only for running and workouts, or only for beautiful, super-sized photos of places that aren't home. What I do here (and always want to do here) is dig in deep. I mean for this blog to be a kaleidoscope of loves and dreams. Because life is anything but one dimensional.

This life is so much fun, and this life has it all. All kinds of inspirations.

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