Where was I a year ago? Well I can't really say for sure, but I'm pretty confident I was working. I was in a work coma. For a year. That was a different life.
This year? Unlike any other year or life.
I can say that I have never been faster or stronger. Sometimes it catches me off guard, like during yoga class when our teacher tells us to move from a three legged plank through three-legged chaturanga. Like when I realize I'm getting a little bit closer to Eight-Angle Pose. And definitely when the November Project workout is to sprint (no biggie) with a human being on my back (very much a biggie). The practices of running, yoga, and strength work are integral to my identity and to my daily life and having the chance to do these things is awesome and humbling all at once. These things fulfill me, challenge me, and always, irrefutably, undeniably, without fail, propel me on.
What I look forward to are the adventures and the opportunities to expand on these changes and to do more... to go to the Wanderlust Festival, to run Bay to Breakers and to run the SeaWheeze Half Marathon again, and to travel to all of those heart-stopping, heart-breaking places. I realized a few years ago what it is like to travel to run. Last August, SeaWheeze brought together running, travel, and yoga in a very radical way. So, these days are in part a preparation for travel and for experiences to come.
What else is happening these days? I am looking here for the right words to describe my professional ambitions. Ambitions, yes. Ambitions they are, because I have never and will never lack motivation and self-discipline. I will say this: I am doing the hard work now and I am putting myself through the paces now, today, tomorrow so that, in six months or a year or two, I can say that I myself lay the foundation. I am laying the foundation for what I know I will achieve.
And I can turn around and use almost the same words to describe relationships. Let's lay the foundation. Let's get together and let's get excited, get positive, passionate, constructive. Let's help each other and let's grow, and if it's not a two-way street... well, then get out of my street.
I am interested in deeply transformational experiences, relationships, friendships, challenges, and opportunities. Let's have some fun, let's get a lot done, let's do epic shit, let's do it all. Eyes on the prize y'all, and the prize is this year.
P.S. Where's the title from? The Corona classic. Rhythm of the night, rhythm of my life.
Your life continues to amaze me. Go get it, girl!