Hustling home from work and then out the door for a run, running as far as I could in 15 minutes then turning around.... Baking oatmeal raisin cookies, dried cranberries added on request, with the apron strings wrapped tightly around my waist and tied in the front.... Rolling out pie dough and looking outside at the golden-red leaves... Walking down Newbury Street with a coffee in hand.... Making dinner for E and roasting sweet potatoes with plenty of olive oil and just enough salt and pepper... Putting on my absolute tallest high heels for salsa dancing... Working my way through sets of bicep curls and tricep dips then holding the plank position... Taking an old friend and a new friend around Boston, walking past Quincy Market towards the North End, and pushing my sunglasses up as dusk falls.... and, just because I can, baking chocolate chip cookie bars.
How was your weekend?
absolutely great but not as diverse as yours