Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not Quite Autumn

I slipped away from Boston for a few days, to a place where summer is still in full swing, to a place where September 1st holds absolutely no connotation. And I didn't mind missing that day at all. Even before I left, there were moving boxes piled on sidewalks and U-Hauls getting stuck in narrow Boston streets (Yes, stuck. Yes, I watched. No, I don't know how it happened).

When I got back, suddenly autumn was in full swing. The change that Boston undergoes when we flip our calendars to September is incredible. The college students are back and their classes have started. And we're making plans for apple-picking. I've never been apple-picking; I've never made apple pie or apple butter. I can't wait.

But, really, we're not seeing autumn yet. We've had a few wet, chilly days that remind me more of early April than September. Last night, I walked along Arlington Street, along the side of the Public Garden, and I looked out across the wet pavements and empty benches of the park, shrouded in a smoky, violet dusk, to the twinkly lights of the Financial District.

I love my rainboots and walking through puddles as the water splashes up around my legs. But I'm not ready to let go of summer yet.

Soon enough, peaches will be out of season. And we'll be looking out of our windows at falling leaves and, a little later, snow.

Maybe September could slow down a little bit. Because there's a lavender-colored ruffly sundress that I haven't worn yet. Because I didn't have a chance to make white wine sangria. Because I really love late summer tomatoes and those warm days and cooler nights of September in Boston.

Maybe we could have a little more summer. Because the seasons will change soon enough.


  1. I AGREE! the only good thing is that it finally is starting to feel like summer here...i know, late notice huh? hehe. oh well... nothing good stays around long enough, or so they say ;)

  2. Here in Boston, we have a short spring, a short summer, a slightly longer fall, and a loooooooong winter. You're in Canada, right? Sounds like you love summer as much as I do.

  3. I had to smile when you spoke about all the U-Haul trucks and boxes. When I lived at Cleveland Circle, I used to love seeing the double, triple or quadruple parking of vans and trucks along Comm Ave and the like with students rolling in for the year ahead. Was the start of a buzz in the area, but yes, typically the end of any warm weather.

  4. September 1st must have been totally nuts in Cleveland Circle! It's really amazing the change that September brings to Boston, practically overnight.

  5. This post made me nostalgic. But thanks for an excuse to procrastinate my paper! hee hee!

  6. In each season Boston city shines with the different features, people will find something of their choice in each season that brings excitement in their life. In all season Boston is filled with joy and celebration.
